Thursday, March 7, 2013

top 10 movies 2012

OK its been awhile since my last post. But i  have been watching movies there just
hasn't been anything  really worth writing home about. Don't get me wrong there have been good movies but there are only maybe a handful of great movies that came out.  I think that part of  the problem is in the execution. The most important  in making a movie is the casting you have to get that right or it doesn't matter how great  your story is its gonna make it a mediocre one. You need to cast the movie not with the most popular actor but with the person  who can best embody the character. just take the movie pitch perfect the casting was perfect and they were all up and coming stars it  worked out brilliantly and was by far one of my favorite movies of the year. sometimes i  feel like i say the same things  over and over but until  something changes i feel it is duty to inform everyone that will listen. so lets continue.... the second thing is your story must  have deep character development  and story that has somewhere to go all to often lately these movies come out and they have an all star cast and your like wow it must be good and its a load of shit. IE paperboy , seven pshycopaths , man with the iron fist. i could go on but i think you get my point. Alas if your gonna be making a movie based on a book and lets face it that's 90% of movies these days do NOT assume everyone has read the book and put in the little important details needed to understand what  the hell is going on. the worst infraction on this one is in harry potter and prisoner of azkaban when professor lupin gets the mauders map from Snape who found harry out after bed with it and lupin new how to use it well o where in the movie do they cover the fact that he along  with Harry's father, Sirius and Peter petigrew mad e it and also the names on the map st and for what the four boys turn into personally i think that's pretty important info. also in the hunger games they change how katniss gets her mocking jay pin and completely eliminate a key character who is directly responsible fir katniss turning into the mocking jay in the first place so for this i say shame on you how dare you . although i did like the movie i feel that for it being 3 nd a half hours long you missed a lot of character development.  even slighted Glen's character you didn't get the depth of there bond and back story.
is my top 10 movies of 2012 are
1. The Avengers
2. gone
3. john carter
4. battleship
5. Abraham Lincoln vampire hunter
6.resident evil retribution
7.twilight breaking dawn part 2
8.the raven
9. seeking a friend for the end of the world
10. the hunger games

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