Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Hunger Games: Catching Fire **** 1/2

Catching Fire was a movie I was counting down the days till it was released. I am so glad to say they did not disappoint. I do have to say for the record I was a little bit annoyed with the first one with the omission of the very important character Madge. But they redeemed themselves  with the second instalment which was pretty much how I imagined it as I read the book except.....yes there is a but I had a different interpretation when I was reading the book so it may just be me but, I didn't think Katniss loved Gale in that way the portrayed it the movie. I assumed she loved him more like a brother / best friend so I was a bit confused with the movies love triangle. I know she didn't want to hurt either boys but I thought she loved Gale as a brother and Peeta more as a boyfriend but pushed him away because she didn't want to hurt like her mom if she lost him. Maybe I just read into it what I wanted to not what was really there. please feel free to correct me. But number two.....If I'm not mistaking they omitted another character  Lavina the bed chamber maid with no tongue......She plays a huge part in the second and third book. She is one of the people tortured to death in front of Peeta to traumatize him so I feel that she deserved a part. I'm glad they included the arrest of Cinna it was exactly the way I thought it would be very emotional and dramatic.  Everything else in the movie was perfect I didn't want it to end at all I feel they ended the movie at the perfect spot. I am now counting down the days until the third one comes out.

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