Saturday, December 28, 2013

Riddick ***

I know I wasnt the only person who was looking forward to this movie finally being made. I am a huge Vin Diesel fan not to mention a Riddick fan. But I may have hyped myself and the movie up so much in my head that I had doomed myself for disappointment. I have to say that I was highly upset with the cheesy lines when I heard them I just kept thinking Riddick wouldnt say that. It wasn't till maybe half way through the movie where I started to feel like I was watching a Riddick film. I understand he was suppose to be "broken" but hello this is Riddick the badass furyian who you can not hurt let alone kill. The beginning was a bit emo im not gonna lie. The dog was awesome I loved that relationship and I hated that they killed it but I understand why they did it was what Ruddick needed to get his mojo back. The casting was iffy at best I thought that the new Johns was the original Johns son not dad I mean you could have casted an older person so it would at least look possible. When I raised this point in a discussion with a friend of mine he informed me that it could be possible that a dad could look younger then his son by being in hyper sleep for a longer period of time then the son. So OK this maybe true but if your not thinking that when watching the movie you coukd be like me and say WTF how is he the dad he looks so much younger then Johns from Pitch Black and that was over ten years ago.....I did actually like Batista in the movie he did a good job I wasn't thinking oh god another wrestler is trying to act I actually didn't think that at all. I liked Katee Sackhoff in the movie I loved her in Battlestar Galactica but if she is not into men then why at the end was she all over Riddick I mean really the whole movie we had to hear how she didn't "do" men. I can't blame her I would switch teams too for Riddick but it just seemed off almost akward.The ending was solid after that I do Wish Karl Urban was in it more but they did hint that there will be another one so I can't wait to see it but I will not hype it up so much this time...

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