Tuesday, April 15, 2014

47 Ronin ****

Well 47 Ronin was not what I expected in a good way. All you Keanu Reeves haters out there need to give him some credit. 47 Ronin had the best story telling I have seen in a long time. The CGI was seamless the monster were very creative and interesting. Keanu did a great job acting in this movie he didn't really speak much but he played his party perfectly you were invested in the characters you cared what happened to them you held your head high with pride and honor you felt like you were one of the 47 Ronin ready to give you life for what was right. It has been a long time since a story had captivated me so deeply. I am sad that this movie didn't get the traffic that it deserved just because it had Keanu Reeves in it but say what you want about his slow surfer speech and dumber then a box of rocks act. He had proven himself a great actor people forget there are a lot of movies that are great that he has stared in. like Matrix trilogy , Speed, The Lake House, classics like Bill and Teds excellent adventure, Point Break, The Day the Earth Stood Still, The Replacements, I could go on forever but all you need to take away from this post is that you need to go see 47 Ronin and then tell ten of your friends. Cause if you haven't see it you are missing out.

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