Wednesday, May 6, 2015

I want a movie series commitment!!!

Well I read a lot and love that the movie industry is bring some of my favorite book series to life but, I have one complaint if you are gonna make one movie I feel you must make a commitment to make all the rest even if it is a so called bomb at the box office. For example I just watched the immortal instrument and I have read the books and even though I thought that some of the casting was off I still enjoyed the movie now they are not going to make the rest because it only made 31 million state side... Well what I really blame is the PR department if they would have advertised it better maybe more people would have gone and seen it I didn't even see a trailer for it I actually saw it at Walmart on dvd and bought it because I didn't even know it was out. Now my favorite series is the vampire academy and I posted all the time they should make it into a movie series when they finally did I went to see it in the theater but who the freak did the casting did they even read the books.... I think If they didn't make it like a teen spoof on vampire high school and made it serious like the books are it would have done better but for those of us who seen it multiple times and it finally grew on us shouldn't suffer for the mistakes of the casting director because now I will never see the other 6 books made into movies 😭. So basically the reason for this blog today is just to say I need a commitment from the movie industry to make the whole series instead of leading me on to get hooked on something to never see the end. It's just not right...... Thanks for your time until next time 😀

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